Interstate working with children checks
Blue cards are issued under Queensland legislation as an initiative of the Queensland Government.
This means we have different rules and requirements for working with children than the other states.
Using another state or territory's check in Queensland
We do not recognise working with children checks conducted outside of Queensland. If you hold an interstate working with children clearance and are seeking to work or volunteer with children in Queensland, you may need a blue or exemption card.
Whether a person needs a blue or exemption card will depend on the environment where the work is performed, type of work and frequency of work.
Organisations that receive state or federal funding may have agreements that require them to comply with working with children legislation. While it is important to check the requirements, it does not automatically mean that everyone in that organisation needs a blue or exemption card.
A person only needs a blue or exemption card if the services or activities fall within a category of regulated employment or business.
Learn more about applying for a blue or exemption card.
Adverse interstate Working with Children Check
If you have previously applied and have been subject to an adverse interstate Working with Children Check decision from another state or territory and this decision remains in effect, you are a restricted person, and unable to apply for a blue or exemption card or rely on an exemption to work with kids until the decision is overturned.
Using blue or exemption cards in other states or territories
Working with children checks are managed by states or territories according to their local legislation. Each state or territory has their own information about screening requirements and how to contact them:
- New South Wales
- Victoria
- Western Australia
- Northern Territory
- South Australia
- Australian Capital Territory
- Tasmania.
NDIS and disability worker screening
The NDIS worker screening clearance is recognised across all states and territories in Australia.
If you have an interstate NDIS worker screening clearance and will be working with children in Queensland, you will need to just apply for a blue card.
If you do not yet have a NDIS worker screening clearance and require both a blue or exemption card, and a disability worker screening clearance, you can apply using the combined application through Disability Worker Screening.